Venice Venice Venice Platform Near Real Time Data Grapher Please check the parameters for the tower to be displayed, and set the time period. Click display to see the graph of the data. WARNING: The data are raw data and have not been quality checked. The data is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used for scientific studies. If you would like access to the science quality data please contact the author. WARNING: The more days you select to display the longer it will take to load. Once you click on "Submit", DO NOT click the reload button. This will only slow your request down. Date Selection Start Date Earliest available data: Feb 1, 2024 End Date Note: A maximum of 6 months can be plotted Tower Selection Select all towers you would like to view the data for? VP1 (Data available starting June 8, 2023) Plot Settings Sampling intervals: 2 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 3 hours Units: Metric Imperial (Metric units: m, C; Imperial "English" units: mi, F) Graph Dimensions: Width Height Time range: Start: End: (0 = 12:00am, 24hr clock) x-axis Plot Parameters Radiometer 1 Plot (azimuthal direction 180 degrees) Angle 1 Angle 2 Angle 3 Angle 4 Angle 5 y min: y max: Radiometric Temperature Electronics Temperature Angles are measured in degrees from nadir Angle 1 = 20, Angle 2 = 25, Angle 3 = 30, Angle 4 = 45, Angle 5 = 125 Power Plot y min: y max: Voltage: Debug mode: non-debug debug